Tea Petazzi, Acupuncturist

Virgi dall'Aglio

Graduated in traditional Chinese medicine from the PCU College of Holistic Medicine in Vancouver, Canada in 2008. She was trained solely by lecturers from China. She worked on cruise ships as an acupuncturist and after returning permanently to Switzerland in 2017, shebecame a free practitioner as a complementary therapist.

She currently works 80% as a nurse in general care and is pursuing her specialisation in palliative care. Since her return to Switzerland, it has always been her wish to be able to combine the two professions she loves so much: nurse and acupuncturist, therapist in Chinese phytotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine. By joining the Harmonia studio team, this dream finally began to come true.

Languages spoken: Italian, Ticino dialect, English, French, Spanish, German.

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